Below are tips from "experienced" band parents to "new" band parents.
The tips are organized by category.
You may want to scroll down and read them all, as some apply to several categories.
Do you have a "tip" to add to the list?
Please contact the LWMB Directors by clicking on the "e-mail" icon in the top corner of the page.
The tips are organized by category.
You may want to scroll down and read them all, as some apply to several categories.
Do you have a "tip" to add to the list?
Please contact the LWMB Directors by clicking on the "e-mail" icon in the top corner of the page.
General Tips
Rehearsal Tips
Parade & Competition Tips
Football Game Tips
- Check your e-mail for LWMB communications regularly, There is always new information being released.
- Check the web site regularly - things change frequently.
- Each L-W Music Department has a colored music mailbox (Red, Blue, Orange). This box is kept locked, and where your student should turn in any forms or orders.
- Yes, your child needs to be at EVERY game, performance, rehearsal, or event.
- Thank anyone that you see volunteering. A little gratitude goes a long way - our parents are the best!
- Wear some sort of 'LWMB' spirit wear proudly to all events, even to the grocery store! You will be surprised at how many people are associated with the group! There are regular sprit wear sales that occur after some rehearsals.
- Don't miss out on a being a part of your child's experience - volunteer (chaperone, field crew, music boosters, etc.) and get involved in a way that works for you, big or small.
- Start collecting patches for your child's letter jacket as soon as possible - you won't regret it!
- Take your student's letter jacket to a seamstress to have letters and any patches put on. The sleeves require a special needle to avoid ruining the material.
- Enjoy each moment your student, and the other students, perform. Clap, sing, tap your foot, cheer! Encouraging is our job! The kids notice!
- This group of adults, as well as kids, are a great support system. Just ask.
- Make extra copies of all registration paperwork and any music your child needs. Be prepared to print more when they lose it or leave it behind. Put their name on every page.
- The LWMB Parent & Student Handbook references a lot of the information on this page. Read and review that document when you have an opportunity.
- Four years of band flies by fast! Don't miss out! Be a problem solver, not a problem creator!
- Encourage your student to get to know their Section Leader and Drum Majors. They may come across as tough, but the main purpose of a student leader is to aid our fellow band members. If you need copies of your music, advice, confirmation of times, or even gloves, there is a good chance that a member of the Student Leadership team can help without needing to bother a Band Director.
- Purchase memory items like show shirts, competition spirit wear, videos, patches, etc. Once your child is in college, they'll want to show off to all of their friends who won't believe that they marched in a band of over 250 people.
Rehearsal Tips
- "To be early is to be on time." If your child needs to be on the field at 4:30, get them there by no later than 4:15.
- Yes, your child needs to be at EVERY rehearsal. Try not to schedule medical appointments, academic appointments, or other events that would create scheduling conflicts with rehearsal if at all possible.
- If your child needs to miss a performance or rehearsal, remember to fill out an "Absence Form."
- Students are dismissed at the listed time. They may have additional responsibilities (load their equipment on the truck, etc.) after being dismissed.
- Find a great carpool - it makes life easier.
- Come to the evening practices and watch the student's rehearse; find out where they are on the field in the show so you will know where to look for your student at the performances. It is easier to spot them in rehearsal then in the performance.
- On days with early start times, encourage your child to go to bed early and get much needed rest!
- Always send your child with a large water jug - hydration is important.
- Attending extra rehearsals or sectionals may seem unimportant, but try to help your child make them if at all possible.
Parade & Competition Tips
- These events can last for the entire day, or overnight, depending on the event. Make sure you read the itineraries for each event, which are posted on the "Itineraries" page.
- Avoid family activities and other conflicts on these dates.
- Students are expected to ride the bus to and from the event. In case of an emergency or special conflict, please contact a Band Director.
- Try your best to attend as many competitions as possible - watch other schools perform!. Our students and parents pride themselves for being respectful and supportive of every group! You will come to appreciate what our students do!
- Do not leave until it is over! Your support is noticed by the students!
- Feed your children before a performance. Students will know ahead of time if a meal is going to be provided. Provided meals will also be posted on the event itinerary.
- If your child must eat something, send a snack on the bus that can be eaten without their uniform jacket on.
- Many of the families will try to get seats together - sit together and cheer on the students as they enter the field! They will see!
- Be prepared to get food on the way home after a performance. Students are always starved after a band event.
- If "stuff" gets left on a bus, the chaperones check the busses after travel and place these items in the band room.
Football Game Tips
- Feed your children before a performance. Students will know ahead of time if a meal is going to be provided. Provided meals will also be posted on the event itinerary.
- Do not try to get into the band area to talk with a child during a football game. It will embarrass them.
- Students are only allowed to go to the concession stands during their third quarter break. Parents cannot bring food to the students. Water is provided at games.
- Be prepared to get food on the way home after a performance. Students are always starved after a band event.