Your Donation MattersJoin the LWMB family!
The Lincoln-Way Marching Band is a nationally visible program that introduces our community to the world. Your contribution provides the means for the organization to create an exceptional program for our student membership to experience the marching arts at the highest level, and to contribute to our legacy for a sustainable future.
This donor program is for individuals and families who wish to support the Lincoln-Way Marching Band programs. |
We now offer a convenient online option through our fundraising platform, Zeffy.
Ready to get started?
Ready to get started?
Donation by Check
Checks payable to: "Lincoln-Way Marching Band"
Lincoln-Way Marching Band
Attn: Bert Johnson
201 Colorado Ave.
Frankfort, Illinois 60423
Checks payable to: "Lincoln-Way Marching Band"
Lincoln-Way Marching Band
Attn: Bert Johnson
201 Colorado Ave.
Frankfort, Illinois 60423
How Donations Are UsedYour donations are invaluable to us!
Donations help to subsidize student fees and travel expenses, cover the continuous cost of maintenance for our instruments and equipment, as well as offset the cost of design items needed for our annual production. Donations and sponsorships of any size make a positive impact. Thank you for considering supporting our program! |